Just Released: Retrograde in the Portal of Time Travel

Retrograde in the Portal of Time Travel

Is any part of science fiction real?

The lingering smell of buttered popcorn emitting from the kitchen and the sight of the unopened sweating Pepsi cans were all that was left of the two people he was sitting an arms-reach away from,
just seconds ago, were now gone and gone forever.

They took his dreams with them.

Order Retrograde in the Portal of Time Travel

About David J. Brown

David J. Brown has a career history that has brought him face-to-face with situations ranging from heartwrenching to nightmare-inducing.  Through his many years as a paramedic and police officer, he struggled with demons aggravated by the job and in learning to process them found that he could help others.  His first book, Daddy Had to Say Goodbye, started as a way for him to process all he had seen and experienced over the years, but he was encouraged to share his story to help others.  David’s new book, Flesh of a Fraud, follows a pair of inquisitive readers as they dive into the story and the message of David’s first book.

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